Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Life, Love and The Universe

I jet-ski'ed yesterday. Although that may not sound like a big deal, it is to someone who is terrified of open water!

A number of years ago I did a few open-water swims in order to face this fear. I may have faced the fear, but didn't particularly enjoy the experience or overcome the fear. I finished the race, stumbling out of the lake, covered in seaweed and mud, feeling bedraggled and frustrated.

So – jetskiing put me back in that same place of "I'm scared, but I'm going to do it anyway."

Although I had an instructor sitting behind (more like around) me, anticipating whatever 'this crazy women' would (or wouldn't) do next I was still scared. I tended to let go of the accelerator completely when the ride got too bumpy!


But I loved the experience and wanted to do it again!


It's clear to me that my fear hasn't disappeared despite facing it, but facing it gave me some fun!

So, perhaps you may not get over all your fears, but it's important to not hold yourself or your life back despite having them.


The making of you is how you handle fear.

Be these internal (failure, embarrassment, change, or non-acceptance etc) or external fears.

Find one of your fears.

What can you do to move through it?

Just one little step is all it takes and you'll find that the Universe also has its arms around you.


Have a wonderful week, being Perfectly You.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Life, Love & The Universe

A few weeks ago I attended a 4-day seminar/training course.

One of the things mentioned early on were the words, "The first time is the hardest."


I felt these words were meant for me as I'd been trying to wake up early and start running in the morning again.

So, using this sentence as a tool I know the first morning would be the hardest! I got up – and it's been easier since.


On Monday I held my first public seminar. And with an evening like this came a few challenges and technical hiccups – but we had fun, survived with our learnings in tact.


And then today I've spent the entire day making videos for an online TV show I've been invited to host – it took me a while to get it all correct and uploaded, but assume that once all the glitches have been ironed out – as with everything, the first time would have been the hardest.

And it'll all flow from here.


So – what in your life are you still holding out on?

What are waiting to do or try, but haven't plucked up enough courage yet?


Remember – the first time is the hardest!

Give it a go!


Have a wonderful week, being Perfectly You.


PS. Our last Life Coaching Through Creative Art Workshop for the year is on 12th December.

Bookings are also open for our 2011 workshops.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Life, Love and The Universe (Gossip)

I saw an interview last week with Ellen de Generes and Madonna. They made quite a few points on the issue they were debating (bullying), but Madonna ended the interview with a valid point – a suggested place to start for change to happen.

She said that she urged everyone to try, for just one day – to not gossip.

I thought this to be simple, precise and practical advice.


Gossip can be as easily defined as saying something about someone that you wouldn't say to their face.

The dictionary defines it as "idle talk or rumor, esp. about the personal or private affairs of others"


  • So …. How often do you find yourself talking about others?


  • What does talking about others provide for you? (i.e. does it make you feel better about yourself somehow?)


  • What does the gossip you're involved with actually say about you?


If you're not speaking about other people, what else do you have to talk about?

How full is your life?

Try giving it up for just one day and see what evolves!


Have a wonderful week, being Perfectly You.



PS. Bookings are open for our 2011 workshops. Only one place is left for Become Authentic. Feel Abundant starting on 18th January 2011.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Life, Love and The Universe

I attended a 50th birthday party celebration on Saturday night. One aspect of the festivities were speeches that were given. The partners gave speeches about each other (they each turned 50) and their kids took their turn and said wonderful things about their parents.

Naturally, due to the celebratory nature of the evening, many good things were said and lots of jokes were shared. But I got to thinking about what kinds of things would be said about me when I turned 50.

It's a little different to the coaching question I usually ask, which is usually, "What 3 things do you want written on your gravestone one day about WHO you were?".

Looking at as being at my 50th, brings it a little more immediate and also gives more room for a detailed description of the life I'm leading – from someone else's perspective!


So – this week – choose your next milestone birthday and picture what the significant people in your life will say about you in their speeches?


What will this say about you?

How would you have lived your life up till then?


The bigger question however is: How does this compare to any speeches that would be given about you today?

If there is a mismatch between what you think they'll be saying about you today and what you'd wish for by the actual milestone date – what are you willing to do in the interim to change this?


Have a wonderful week, being Perfectly You.



PS. Seats are filling fast for "Can You Tell A Bird Not To Sing?"

Only ten places left!

Book now at:

Sunday, September 19, 2010





There is a new Australian TV series called "Spirited' which illustrates a relationship of sorts, between Henry (a ghost) and Suzy (the only person who can see him).

Henry is trapped in ghost-format in Suzy's apartment because it appears he needs to resolve some life issues still. He's stuck in this particular building, being not alive, but also not quite dead.

This couple have interesting and odd interactions, with him being inadvertently part of her family dramas (because he can't go anywhere!). She then learns from him in return, as is demonstrated in their following conversation:


"You may be Ms 'I'm Alive', but you're walking around like you're dead anyway."

"Why? Because I have impulse control!" she retorts, proudly.

"No. Because you don't know how to feel. You don't engage. An Ice-Princess," Henry continues.

"I feel many things!" she shouts, kicking over a chair as if to show the point.

Changing focus, Henry sits down and says, "The truth is that if they were offering tickets to hell, I'd grab one with both hands. But, instead I'm stuck here and I don't know why."

Suzy takes a breath and wisely acknowledges,

"Most people feel like that. They feel like they're stuck here and don't know why."


The English word spirit comes from the Latin, spiritus meaning "breath".

Your spirit is thus the animating, sensitive or vital principle in you, similar to the soul, which is often taken to be the seat of your mental, intellectual and emotional powers.

Obviously the air that you breathe is an inherent part of your being. It flows through you - giving life to every part of your body. Breathing is a natural process, one that you don't need to actively DO anything about, or even be really aware of.

But Living is something different. Just because you're breathing, doesn't mean that you're necessarily truly ALIVE. This takes more awareness.


Are you perhaps one of the many who are just 'stuck here, going through the motions without knowing why?"

If you'd like to change this, change your thinking to a more consciously aware plane.

For example, take some time and think for yourself:


  • What really adds life to you?
  • What makes you feel alive?
  • Why are you here?


Your spirit, or inner core is where your feelings lie, but recognising them is often the challenge.

Set your spirit free, by seeing how you feel.

Seeing how you feel may make you vulnerable, but this is actually, what you're really about.

And others are just the same.


Sonia Choquette says that "Your spirit embraces life head-on and rides the ups and downs, the ebb and flow, and the shifts and changes of life with determination and courage."

Your ego on the other hand tries to hold on tightly. It is fearful and tries to control.

This resists the flow of life. It is fearful and tries to stop change.


Have a look at where your ego is playing games:

  • What are you avoiding?
  • What or who are you trying to control?
  • What are you holding onto, scared of letting go?
  • What are you procrastinating about?


Ego-living means you're trying too hard, fearfully managing your life, rather than openly flowing with it.

Allow your Spirit to handle all that's coming towards you.

Namaste has now generally been used as meaning, "I honor the Spirit in you which is also in me."

Look for this loving life-force in others as well. Understand that Ego creates enemies but Spirited Living wins friends. It's energetic and contagious, naturally creating a connection with others at a heart level.


A self-aware connection to yourself and others will prevent you from living ghost-like and empty.

This often takes honesty, self-discovery and doing what makes you come alive.

Give it a try.


Let your mind start a journey thru a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Let your soul take you where you long to be...Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar, and you'll live as you've never lived before."

Erich Fromm

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Life, Love and The Universe (17th August)

I joined a new library today.

I've belonged to the same library for 3 years despite moving into a different suburb.

I returned my books (slightly overdue, of course) this morning and realised the silliness of this monthly trip.

I've even complained a couple of times that I'd worked through all the books in the section of my genre-preference. But I'd resigned myself to the fiction section instead and still continued the habit of visiting the library.

But today, for some reason, this no longer made sense. It suddenly felt like I was settling for 2nd best and wondered if there was a library closer to home! Duh.

To make a long story short – yes – I joined a larger library around the corner, with an online system and heaps of new books that got me excited.

Life works like this as well.

You may be doing the same old thing over and over again, because, well, it works. And it's "fine for now". It may be all you've ever known.

But are you in fact merely 'settling'?

Are you (without realising it) re-adjusting your expectations to less than what is truly available to you?

If the change seems too hard and potentially uncomfortable then rather think about what lies on the other side of the so-called fence.

How does that feel?

And what do you need to do?


Have a wonderful week, Being Perfectly You.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life, Love & The Universe (10th August 2010)

For those of you who will recall last week's message about me struggling to download a tape off a camera and create a DVD, I'd gotten to the point where I let it go and gave up. But a day or so later I had a flash of inspiration in my driveway and turned round towards Dick Smith where I picked up a connecting cable I thought may work. It did!

And a few hours later I had DVDs of baby videos for a happy grandmother!

My realisation was that it seemed those adjectives I'd proudly displayed were still relevant, but somehow over the years I'd let go of the ego attachment to these lables. I had been willing to give up the camera challenge (and did), but then effortlessly the solution appeared anyway.

My further realisation is that these three words are not important as to how I'd like to be remembered one day.

What about you?

What parts of your identity are attached to serving your ego? (eg. intelligence, perfectionism, relationship-status or children).

So … if there was a resume of life – what adjectives would you rather prefer yours to contain?

Mine hopefully will be changed to: She loved; She gave with kindness; She understood.

Have a wonderful week, Being Perfectly You.


PS. The new series of workshops start in October. Book your place now.