Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Life, Love and The Universe

I jet-ski'ed yesterday. Although that may not sound like a big deal, it is to someone who is terrified of open water!

A number of years ago I did a few open-water swims in order to face this fear. I may have faced the fear, but didn't particularly enjoy the experience or overcome the fear. I finished the race, stumbling out of the lake, covered in seaweed and mud, feeling bedraggled and frustrated.

So – jetskiing put me back in that same place of "I'm scared, but I'm going to do it anyway."

Although I had an instructor sitting behind (more like around) me, anticipating whatever 'this crazy women' would (or wouldn't) do next I was still scared. I tended to let go of the accelerator completely when the ride got too bumpy!


But I loved the experience and wanted to do it again!


It's clear to me that my fear hasn't disappeared despite facing it, but facing it gave me some fun!

So, perhaps you may not get over all your fears, but it's important to not hold yourself or your life back despite having them.


The making of you is how you handle fear.

Be these internal (failure, embarrassment, change, or non-acceptance etc) or external fears.

Find one of your fears.

What can you do to move through it?

Just one little step is all it takes and you'll find that the Universe also has its arms around you.


Have a wonderful week, being Perfectly You.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Life, Love & The Universe

A few weeks ago I attended a 4-day seminar/training course.

One of the things mentioned early on were the words, "The first time is the hardest."


I felt these words were meant for me as I'd been trying to wake up early and start running in the morning again.

So, using this sentence as a tool I know the first morning would be the hardest! I got up – and it's been easier since.


On Monday I held my first public seminar. And with an evening like this came a few challenges and technical hiccups – but we had fun, survived with our learnings in tact.


And then today I've spent the entire day making videos for an online TV show I've been invited to host – it took me a while to get it all correct and uploaded, but assume that once all the glitches have been ironed out – as with everything, the first time would have been the hardest.

And it'll all flow from here.


So – what in your life are you still holding out on?

What are waiting to do or try, but haven't plucked up enough courage yet?


Remember – the first time is the hardest!

Give it a go!


Have a wonderful week, being Perfectly You.


PS. Our last Life Coaching Through Creative Art Workshop for the year is on 12th December.

Bookings are also open for our 2011 workshops.
