Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Life, Love and the Universe (June 14th)

I saw the movie “Sex In The City 2” last week. I don’t see Oscar nominations knocking at its door, but it was entertaining. (Chewing gum for the eyes, as my mother used to say).
As always I found something to take away and this time it was Carrie’s words to her 3 friends, “We’re making up our own rules for our relationship”. She was referring to her and Big’s marriage of course.

This idea was followed up (for me) the following day when a client sat in front of me, using self-empowered language of what he wanted (and deserved) from his current relationship. He ended with the words, “I don’t just want what’s normal – I’m not normal. I’m unique.”
Wow! And that coming from someone who initially considered himself lacking in self-confidence and shy.

Now, we can hardly call Carrie shy – but she did take a while (and many relationships) to figure out who she wanted in her life.
And now she’s figuring out how to make it work.

You also have this opportunity in life – to work out what works for you in your most important relationships. Follow a ‘rule book’ that makes YOU happy and fulfilled.
And then you will be.

So – this week consider:
• What do you want from your relationship(s)?
• How do you deserve to be treated?
• Are your needs being met?
• Does the communication satisfy you?

• And importantly, what are YOU going to do or say for any changes to happen?

Have a wonderful week, Being Perfectly You.

PS. If you haven’t signed up for our free inspiration quotes do so at:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

An Intelligent Life

An Intelligent Life : A Practical Guide to Relationships, Intimacy and Self-Esteem