Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Life, Love and The Universe (17th August)

I joined a new library today.

I've belonged to the same library for 3 years despite moving into a different suburb.

I returned my books (slightly overdue, of course) this morning and realised the silliness of this monthly trip.

I've even complained a couple of times that I'd worked through all the books in the section of my genre-preference. But I'd resigned myself to the fiction section instead and still continued the habit of visiting the library.

But today, for some reason, this no longer made sense. It suddenly felt like I was settling for 2nd best and wondered if there was a library closer to home! Duh.

To make a long story short – yes – I joined a larger library around the corner, with an online system and heaps of new books that got me excited.

Life works like this as well.

You may be doing the same old thing over and over again, because, well, it works. And it's "fine for now". It may be all you've ever known.

But are you in fact merely 'settling'?

Are you (without realising it) re-adjusting your expectations to less than what is truly available to you?

If the change seems too hard and potentially uncomfortable then rather think about what lies on the other side of the so-called fence.

How does that feel?

And what do you need to do?


Have a wonderful week, Being Perfectly You.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life, Love & The Universe (10th August 2010)

For those of you who will recall last week's message about me struggling to download a tape off a camera and create a DVD, I'd gotten to the point where I let it go and gave up. But a day or so later I had a flash of inspiration in my driveway and turned round towards Dick Smith where I picked up a connecting cable I thought may work. It did!

And a few hours later I had DVDs of baby videos for a happy grandmother!

My realisation was that it seemed those adjectives I'd proudly displayed were still relevant, but somehow over the years I'd let go of the ego attachment to these lables. I had been willing to give up the camera challenge (and did), but then effortlessly the solution appeared anyway.

My further realisation is that these three words are not important as to how I'd like to be remembered one day.

What about you?

What parts of your identity are attached to serving your ego? (eg. intelligence, perfectionism, relationship-status or children).

So … if there was a resume of life – what adjectives would you rather prefer yours to contain?

Mine hopefully will be changed to: She loved; She gave with kindness; She understood.

Have a wonderful week, Being Perfectly You.


PS. The new series of workshops start in October. Book your place now.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Life, Love and The Universe

I've spent the last couple of days trying to help a friend get videos off an old tape-video recorder onto a DVD. It's been a process and a half. Through the help of Dick Smith staff, Google forums and endless hours of persistent patience, we now have recordings. But only of the audio.

This does appear to be the problem with this particular camera and I'm at the point of giving up and moving on. Which brings me to today's subject – is it OK to give up?

At which point do you decide that something is no longer working for you and decide to make the necessary change?

This could relate to anything such as your career, your relationship, friendships or your health.

This could also refer to some big dream that is all-consuming and removes you from living in the present.

How much time and energy is being invested in something that is not turning out how you want it to?

How much of YOU is being eroded by merely "hanging in there" until things improve?

Change starts with you. It starts with you accepting what IS.

You need to understand what the likelihood of change in your current situation really is. If improvement or success in unlikely, then why keep yourself there?


Have a wonderful week, Being Perfectly You.



PS. For more information on life change, Don't forget my E-book "Creating Life Change" is available at:
