Sunday, July 25, 2010


I often tell a story about a grandmother who once told me, "I don't need Life-Coaching as I've finally learned to say NO. Especially to my family!"

I laughed at this comment, appreciating the inherent wisdom in it.


The ability to say no, with suitable assertiveness, compassion and respect is a skill.

Often this means saying No to things not in your value system, your purpose, your vision or to something that impedes progress on the way to your greater good. This kind of self-compromise takes away from your happiness, your fulfilment and satisfaction. A bigger challenge (as the grandmother so rightly observed) is saying NO to something within your value system such as a family request.

So - How do you handle these?


Being able to say no means you're aware of your inherent value, able to set your boundaries AND let other people keep theirs. It also means you're not dependent on their good opinion because somehow this will make you feel better about yourself. Further, it means you've detached from the responsibility of how they feel about themselves, as a result of your reaction.

Saying NO doesn't mean an aggressive approach to everything either. Some people retreat into isolation (always saying no to everything) as this prevents them from ever having to effectively assert themselves at all.

But, the good news is that sometimes a mere choice of suitable wording makes a remarkable difference in how any interaction occurs.


"Unfortunately I currently have too many commitments on my time at the moment."

"Wednesdays are my days for the family. Perhaps another day?"

"I don't feel the need for that in my life right now. But thank you for thinking of me."


Notice how all the wording is focused on YOU. All you're doing is protecting your boundaries and allowing yourself to fully take up the space in your life that you deserve. These statements all reflect how you feel and what you want.

A continued inability to say no or assert yourself very often results from a fear:

  • A fear of disappointing others
  • A fear of not being liked
  • A fear of seeming incapable
  • The list goes on….


Ask yourself what you believe the person will think of you when you say NO – therein is a clue to your fear.

Nathaniel Branden defines assertiveness as "being authentic in our dealings with others; treating our values and persons with decent respect in social contexts; refusing to fake the reality of who we are or what we esteem in order to avoid disapproval; the willingness to stand up for ourselves and our ideas in appropriate ways in appropriate contexts".


If you're reading this and thinking to yourself "I say no because I don't want to hurt their feelings" that suggests a distrust of yourself and of your relationships.

But through effective communication you'll be able to stand your ground and meet your own needs whilst saying NO to your nearest and dearest.

If you were to avoid hurting everyone's feelings, you'd never actually do or say anything. You'd continually walk on eggshells. So, how about letting others' handle their own sensitivities? If you communicate with both love and compassion both parties are given the opportunity to take responsibility for themselves.

As Maxwell Maltz says, "We are injured and hurt emotionally, not so much by other people or what they say and don't say, but by our own attitude and our own response."


I often use the example of empty and full vessels in coaching sessions. Each of you is inherently a full vessel, but through actions, beliefs and thoughts that don't honour you, you tend to empty your vessel (albeit it often subconsciously). Continually giving to others, thinking for others and trying to protect others from their own feelings are ways you may empty your vessel.


Even the Kings James bible says the following… "We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."


So choose instead, to continually fill your own vessel with love and compassion and watch the same overflow to others. The ironic result is that you'll naturally be giving without that ever-difficult feeling of "trying" to do so, all well within your own boundaries.


And what other kind of giving can be more authentic?





Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Completely Human Events



Every Saturday morning

8.00 am: Nordic Walking @ Trigg Clarko Reserve ($8pp incl pole hire)


  1. Life Coaching Through Creative Art in Roleystone

    (Full Day option)

25th July 2010

    29th August 2010

12th September 2010

10am -4 pm; $225pp

This is a jam-packed day (value-wise) to really discover the essences of self-acceptance, self-love AND what holds you back from your personal power.

Also - discover your unique purpose and it may truly surprise you!

This includes ALL art materials, canvases, workbooks, 2 course lunch & ongoing refreshments

2)    Become Authentic. Feel Abundant

  1. week course starting on 3rd August 2010
  1. Take the Authenticity Test. How Real are you really?
      What does this even mean?
  2. With Self-awareness being the cornerstone of success, how self-aware are you?
  3. Do a Wellness Test and see what your life looks like. What is the link between your emotions, your thoughts and your results?.
  4. How do perceptions rule you?
  5. How do your beliefs & fears limit you?
  6. How are your Behaviours, Decisions & Communication suffering as a result?
  7. How connected are you to your Desires, Dreams and Vision?
         What Big Dream are you pursuing? Also discover the truth about affirmations and intention.
  8. Do your relationships meet your needs? Are they working?
  9. Enjoy a personalised Self-Empowerment Review with feeback


Starting on Tuesday 3rd August 2010.             Time : 6.30pm to 8.30pm in Subiaco

Early Bird Price: $280 pp (payable by 22nd July 2010)

Regular Price:      $360 pp (payable by 29th July 2010)


3)    Creative Coaching: 4 Week-Series


What you will take away over the 4 weeks:

1. Self-Acceptance, Self-Esteem & Self-Discovery
2. Letting go of your Limiting Beliefs- and Fears
3. You and Your Relationships
4. Creating an overall Vision for your life and Setting Goals.

All 12 hours of Life Coaching Plus Art Guidance for only $345 - all inclusive!
We limit the groups to 4 (for personalised coaching attention) so please book quickly!

Next Dates:     13th, 20th, 27th October & 3rd November 2010



Women's Dinner

11th August 2010; 8th September 2010; 19th October 2010

Join us on FACEBOOK (Completely Human Group) for regular updates & invitations.

Life, Love & The Universe (20th July 2010)

A client this past week sat reflecting on how far she'd come in her coaching journey. She was trying to understand the process she'd been through and said to me, "I'm not the same person I was. I'm still feeling sad about things but I'm really happy."

I paused deliberately until she consciously heard what she'd said.

Surprised, she then said to me, "That doesn't even make sense really – but my heart understands it!"


She understood Jung's words, "I'd rather be whole, than good."

This is called integration. It's about feeling, understanding and owning all aspects of ourselves.


For eg. The ability to feel sad, but be happy.

The ability to fail, but not be a failure.

The ability to say/do silly things without fear of being labelled stupid.


Practicing this level of living, means becoming authentic because there is no longer a need to hide anything.

ALL the parts of you make you real. Your denied parts make you fake.


What's the biggest thing you're scared of someone finding out about you?

How much energy do you spend covering this up (without even noticing you're doing it of course!)?


Accept this fear as part of your truth (or realise that it's not) and you'll find an equally-accepting world out there after all!


Have a wonderful week, Being Perfectly You.


PS. My new 8-week course, "Be Authentic. Feel Abundant" will help you look further at some of the things that keep you hiding away from being REAL and/or keep you trying too hard to be a better person than you believe you are.

This course starts on 3rd August in Subiaco.


PPS. The next Women's dinner event is on the 11th August – please email me if you haven't received details of it. Everyone is welcome!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Become Authentic. Feel Abundant.


The more you're aware of yourself - the more you accept yourself.

The more you accept yourself. The more you allow yourself to 'be'.

The more you allow yourself to be - the more you love yourself.

The more you can express this, the more you love others.

And therein resides your personal ABUNDANCE.


What you will gain from this 8-week Course:


1. Take an authenticity test. How Real are you & how much are you just "trying"?
With Self-awareness being the cornerstone of success, how self-aware are you?


2. Do a Wellness Test and see what your life actually looks like.

What is the link between your emotions, your thoughts and your results?


3. How do perceptions rule you?


4. How do your beliefs & fears limit you?


5. How are your Behaviours, Decisions & Communication suffering as a result?


6. How connected are you to your Desires, Dreams and Vision?
    What Big Dream are you pursuing? Also discover the truth about affirmations and intention.


7. Do your relationships meet your needs? Are they working?


8. A personalised Self-Empowerment Review with feeback.


This course has been designed to help you grasp and integrate valuable personal growth concepts as you go along.  Doing it this way, you're guaranteed to both feel and see changes happening in your life in a sustainable way!


This practical, self-empowering course starts on Tuesday 3rd August 2010 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm in Subiaco

Early Bird Price: $280 pp (payable by 22nd July 2010)

Regular Price:      $360 pp (payable by 29th July 2010)

Become Authentic. Feel Abundant

Become Authentic. Feel Abundant.

The more you're aware of yourself - the more you accept yourself.

The more you accept yourself. The more you allow yourself to 'be'.

The more you allow yourself to be - the more you love yourself.

The more you can express this, the more you love others.

And therein resides your personal ABUNDANCE.


What you will gain from this 8-week Course:


1. Take an authenticity test. How Real are you & how much are you just "trying"?
With Self-awareness being the cornerstone of success, how self-aware are you?


2. Do a Wellness Test and see what your life actually looks like.

What is the link between your emotions, your thoughts and your results?


3. How do perceptions rule you?


4. How do your beliefs & fears limit you?


5. How are your Behaviours, Decisions & Communication suffering as a result?


6. How connected are you to your Desires, Dreams and Vision?
    What Big Dream are you pursuing? Also discover the truth about affirmations and intention.


7. Do your relationships meet your needs? Are they working?


8. A personalised Self-Empowerment Review with feeback.


This course has been designed to help you grasp and integrate valuable personal growth concepts as you go along.  Doing it this way, you're guaranteed to both feel and see changes happening in your life in a sustainable way!


This practical, self-empowering course starts on Tuesday 3rd August 2010 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm in Subiaco

Early Bird Price: $280 pp (payable by 22nd July 2010)

Regular Price:      $360 pp (payable by 29th July 2010)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Life, Love and the Universe (July 14th)

I MC’d a business breakfast meeting this morning and ended off with an excerpt which seemed to touch many people. So I thought to share it further.
It comes from a speech made by Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Anna Quindlen which I’ve taken the liberty to edit and paraphrase slightly for convenience.

“You cannot be really first rate at your work if your work is all you are. So here's what I wanted to tell you today: Get a life. A real life, not a manic pursuit of the next promotion, the bigger pay cheque, the larger house.

Get a life in which you notice the smell of salt water pushing itself on a breeze at the seaside, a life in which you stop and watch how a red-tailed hawk circles over the water, or the way a baby scowls with concentration when she tries to pick up a sweet with her thumb and first finger.

Get a life in which you are not alone. Find people you love, and who love you. Get a life in which you are generous. And realize that life is the best thing ever, and that you
have no business taking it for granted.

It is so easy to waste our lives, our days, our hours, and our minutes.
It is so easy to exist instead of to live.”
So, please Get a Life. It was meant for living after all.

Have a wonderful week, Being Perfectly You!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Life, Love and the Universe (July 7th)

Ask and you will receive.
Do you find this works for you? Never? Sometimes? Always?
You may not always get exactly what you asked for. But admittedly, you usually receive something. Even if it’s merely a new perspective.

If you’re one of the many people who aren’t used to asking for anything - (from directions to any larger form of help) this may be something worth practicing.
Those who do ask are often surprised.

Although I receive many calls with requests for information, suggestions or assistance in brainstorming an idea, but I’d like to share a simple example with you on this concept.
A client called to ask where we’d had our canvas “goodie” bags made. She needed some for a charity run she was involved with. But as our conversation progressed, an alternate arrangement that neither of us had thought about before arose. And it would cost her nothing.

So – my two thoughts for this week:
(1) Learn to ask. Sometimes this seems like the hardest part. But give it a go - as you never know where help can come from.

(2) Don’t be attached to what the answer “has to” look like. Be open to receive that which comes. It may be a yes; it may be a no. Or it may be something completely different than anticipated.
(for example: you may not get the canvas bags you asked and even phoned about, but you’ll receive an equally feasible solution without any expected cost!)

I trust you’ll receive something special that you want, this week.

Have a wonderful week, Being Perfectly You.