Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Life, Love and The Universe (17th August)

I joined a new library today.

I've belonged to the same library for 3 years despite moving into a different suburb.

I returned my books (slightly overdue, of course) this morning and realised the silliness of this monthly trip.

I've even complained a couple of times that I'd worked through all the books in the section of my genre-preference. But I'd resigned myself to the fiction section instead and still continued the habit of visiting the library.

But today, for some reason, this no longer made sense. It suddenly felt like I was settling for 2nd best and wondered if there was a library closer to home! Duh.

To make a long story short – yes – I joined a larger library around the corner, with an online system and heaps of new books that got me excited.

Life works like this as well.

You may be doing the same old thing over and over again, because, well, it works. And it's "fine for now". It may be all you've ever known.

But are you in fact merely 'settling'?

Are you (without realising it) re-adjusting your expectations to less than what is truly available to you?

If the change seems too hard and potentially uncomfortable then rather think about what lies on the other side of the so-called fence.

How does that feel?

And what do you need to do?


Have a wonderful week, Being Perfectly You.


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